Sunday, October 13, 2013

The New Normal

It's funny how strength gains seem to sneak up on us. The top video was almost a year ago, and what it doesn't show is the 12 misses that occurred before I finally was able to hit 185. Nowadays, 185 is a warm up weight, as evidenced by the fact that I hit it for a 3 position power snatch. I remember having to get psyched out for weights that I now do without much thought. It didn't happen overnight, but as I got stronger, my body adjusted to the increasing demands I was putting on it. What was once the upper limit of my capacity is now the new normal.

"The new normal" is an interesting concept to me, and I started thinking about it the other day as I was talking to my mom today about stuff that has been going on with my sister. Long story short, she has had some medical issues that led to a partial paralysis of her left side of her body. Things that are simple and a part of every day life for most kids (tying their shoes, playing on the playground with friends, social interactions) can be challenging for my sweet sister. My mom explained to me that her and my dad are learning how love her and raise her best, and are doing so through a different set of lenses than how they viewed things with my brother and I. They are adjusting to "the new normal"- a normal that is defined differently than that of the world; a normal that is slower paced; a normal that comes with its own set of struggles. It was a beautiful picture of how the Lord loves us despite our struggles. He does so not because we deserve it, but because He is good. What was once our shame is now Christ's glory- those of the world are marked by insecurity, despair, and aimlessness, but for those in Christ, the new normal is one of security, joy, hope, and purpose.


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